• 10,000+

    Children in informal setting receive a daily StartWell donated meal every school day

  • Over 6 Provinces

    Our meal is distributed to 6 provinces over South Africa.

  • 6 Years

    of Feeding our children in South Africa

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Founders Story

I had an urgency upon completing my MBA studies in 2016 to create or invest in a business that could make a positive difference in South Africa. Three years later, in 2018, an incredible opportunity presented itself that could potentially be the answer to my quest. I was offered the chance to acquire a food factory that produced “nutritious feeding scheme meals” for thousands of children across the country.

Digging deeper into the company’s product range was disheartening. Although the food factory made great profits, the nutrient content of the meals was questionable. The breakfast meals served to children were mainly maize based porridge loaded with sugar, salt, and added vitamins. For lunch there was flavored soy with a starch. Any dietitian would describe the meals as energy-rich but nutrient-poor. The recipes lacked essential nutrients like animal source proteins. I was further shocked to realize that the questionable meals but so-called “super nutritious breakfast and lunch servings” dished to deprived growing children were unlikely to ever reach the plates of the same aged children growing up in middle and high-income households. This is wrong and scewed.

Read More • Foundation Website
  • Our Vision is inspiring.

    To produce nutrient dense ready-to-eat products carrying the best possible quality and quantity macro-and micronutrients to support thriving lives.

  • Our Blueprint for success

    Develop premium quality products, maintain world class food safety standards, and run a low-cost operation model with dedicated, principled and inspiring people.

  • Shareholders

    The StartWell Foundation NPC holds 70% of the StartWell Foods (Pty) Ltd shares.

  • Our Mission is Pioneering

    To operate not-for-profit food processing plants, focused on producing and selling nutrient dense ready-to-eat meals.

  • Bio-science is the Bedrock of our Brand Values

    The best possible quality and optimum quantity macronutrients are the crux of the matter. The proteins, fats and carbs making up our meals are minimally processed and bio-available to humans. This can never be compromised.

  • Our Constitutional Hope

    That every child gets the opportunity to live a life to their fullest potential.

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